A little about me…
I won’t bore you with useless information - I’ve recently started my 30s, and in the most unintentional, cliche way - after I hit 30, hit rock bottom, I got busy trying to figure out my brain.
Like a lot of the people I work with, I’ve navigated the last couple of decades being told one thing, and then another. Misdiagnosed along the way until we finally reached 2023 where I was presented with a few cheeky acronyms -
ADHD (combined), ASD, C-PTSD.
Which teamed nicely and made my 2016 diagnoses of OCD and PMDD (Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder) a bit more meaningful.
As an AFAB human (Assigned Female at Birth) and a person with a uterus, I’ve had my share of medical gaslighting and having my symptoms brushed away and narrowed down to simply having a uterus.
I was the “hypochondriac” child - the one always looking to be the centre of attention.
Sound familiar?
I became a mother to my first son in 2019, and I thought I had my sh*t figured out.
Then came my second son in 2022 and boy, what a journey…
The kid caused havoc from the moment he existed - I was sick as anything, I was diagnosed with Perinatal Depression around 20 weeks and after proudly making his entrance into the world 10 days overdue, he had to be resuscitated while I haemorrhaged, 8 months later was diagnosed with Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy after countless nights without sleep. I turned to alcohol to try to manage (not something I’d recommend)
Trying to figure out the path I wanted to take, I enrolled into a Traineeship to complete my Cert III Individual Support, where I then bounced around providers for almost 18 months as a Disability Support Worker.
Between learning on the job and facing a very theatrical ending to my undiagnosed journey, I soon realised I needed to investigate further into the inner workings of my brain.
In Feb 2023, I had a Britney moment and shaved my hair off. ZERO regrets.
I burnt out hard and wondered why I couldn’t continue working in the field with the people I adored, so I vowed to find an opportunity to work with them from behind a computer screen where I was able to make accommodations for myself.
Long story short, here I am.
You can read about my professional background here.